Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Personally, I wish there were more doubleheaders during the season. They are exciting and I love listening to two games in a day. Granted, if the Red Sox or Phillies lose both games, then I am more depressed than usual, but I don’t view it as “wasted time.” I believe there is more strategy during a doubleheader because the manager can’t play all of his starters in both games, deplete his bullpen or send in pinch runners and hitters with the same regularity as a single game day. However, in today’s game and economy, could a team survive scheduling more single admission day-night doubleheaders into their season? Or are teams so money and business driven that doubleheaders are only reserved for make up games with split admission? 
With other aspects of baseball, doubleheaders reflect American society. The economy determines who can attend a game. Today ticket prices are high, but also a result of Stubhub, Ace Tickets and other third party sellers. Player salaries are high right now, so teams need to raise tickets to be competitive. With lower player salaries, ticket prices were cheaper and teams could play more single admission doubleheaders. I have always enjoyed doubleheaders and I hope they reemerge in the regular season, not just for make up games.
Quote: “You should enter a ballpark the way you should enter a church.” - Bill “Spaceman” Lee

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